Dakota Micro
In April of 1994, Dave and Charissa Rubey moved from Southern California back to the Red River Valley of North Dakota.
After farming in North Dakota for 5 years, Dave developed a herniated disk in his neck and had to have a cervical fusion. For the following eight weeks, he was stuck wearing a full neck brace. Without being able to turn his head, harvesting the crops seemed like an impossible challenge.
Desperate for a practical solution, Dave searched for a suitable camera system that could take the abuse of farming. His search failed but led him to use his engineering and electronics knowledge to build the AgCam system. Dakota Micro, Inc. was incorporated in October 2002, and his system would grow to become known as the most rugged and dependable in the industry.
Over the years, the Dakota Micro AgCam has been improved and refined to make it the most dependable camera system for the harshest environments. The Dakota Micro team continues to put the cameras through the most severe tests possible, including driving over them, blowing them up, and even shooting them. Word of these amazing camera system has spread beyond the farm to become the first choice in industries like construction, public works, military, and recreation.